5 things I love about Lahore

1. Nobody sleeps on an empty stomach
It’s a mean bad world or so they say but if you are in Lahore and dead broke worry not because the Data is here. Centuries after the death of the Sufi Mian Mir Madho Lal Hussain his shrine the Data Darbar offers food to the countless every day. Taken aback a little but believe it if you may, that the shrine feeds more stomach than you can possibly imagine and the food is not bad by all standards at all. Where some eat due to sheer poverty others just do it to make sure they have had a taste of the Data’s Darbar.
2. The Food
Well who doesn’t know about the Food in Lahore, yes! We all love how the Lahoris are epic food enthusiast and if you are in Lahore you can go on an eating spree without ever getting to taste all the good stuff in even a month long stay. They food in Lahore is amazing from Dahi Balley to Lassi you name it and they have it with lots of love and humbleness of Lahoris.
3. Art and Cultural Activities
Lahore has been the epicenter of Pakistani Art and Culture scene. Lahore has where produced eminent scholars, writers and artists it has been the back bone of the Pakistani Film Industry Lollywood. You would still find scores of art and culture enthusiast gathering around in Lahore to discuss the greats over a cup of tea and then follow their chosen paths to create more of the wonders Lahore has been offering the people of Pakistan all these years.
4. Shoppers’ Paradise
When it comes to shopping you have epic places to be at and yes even if you are from Karachi you can’t help it. The options are numerous so much so that you can get anything from Lahore even the stuff that is not available in Karachi like beef jerky and all the stalls at Anarkali keep you hooked as long as you stay in the city. I am not going to pass this without mentioning Fotress, Gulberg, Liberty and the Sunday bazaar.
5. Old Lahore and Phajjey k Paiye
They say “Jinney Lahore Nae Takya O Jamya Nae” (He who hasn’t seen Lahore hasn’t been born) and man if they are wrong. Old Lahore is a sight that mesmerizes me every time I am there and for the sheer nostalgia it instigates I am always awe struck. The Gates and the Narrow Streets, Havelis that reek of a long forgotten but spectacular past. The Bethaks laden with oldies and their Ludo, Cards and Dabboo, oh and how can I forget the Qilla, Wazir Khan Mosque out of the long list of things one just falls deeper and deeper in love with when in Lahore. Alright, I am packing my bag again!! Wait I am not going anywhere before I speak of the famous Phajjey k Paiye! Yes man it is something that is a part of the old culture and old Lahore! Breakfast at the famous phajjey k paiye who was probably a Pehwalwan who gave a cultural twist to the Lahori food scene.