Eid Celebrations of Pakistani Leaders

Eid-ul-Fitr was celebrated throughout Pakistan with sheer compassion and religious earnestness. Places such as Eid gahs, grounds and mosques, where congregations were held, were given maximum security.
Ulemas stressed on delivering the message of unity within the society and gave lessons from the Prophet and his followers’ life throughout their sermons.
Thankfully, no unpleasant event was reported throughout the auspicious occasion. Here’s how some of pakistan’s supreme leaders and politicians celebrated Eid.
General Raheel Shareef
COAF Gen. Raheel Shareef spent his Eid with the brave soldiers of Pakistan at the border. Not just he spent his Eid there, but his presence was enough to praise and stimulate fearlessness in soldiers.
President Mamnoon Hussain
The president of Pakistan, Mamnoon Hussain, spent his Eid in the capital. President Mamnoon Hussain said, “”My prayer to Almighty Allah is to empower us to take after the genuine teachings of Islam and transform our dear nation into a nation of peace and improvement, scrub Pakistan’s domain from a wide range of fanaticism and favor us with His bounties and kindness.”
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif
Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif, along with his family consumed Eid in Saudia Arabia. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif used his words to praise the soldiers fighting the bad vibes through Zarb-e-Azab and also empathized with the IDP’s of North Waziristan.
Asif Ali Zardari
The former president of Pakistan and co-chairman of PPP, Asif Ali Zardari chose to spend his Eid in Dubai with his immediate family. While talking to the press he said, “Eid is also an occasion of festivity and celebration. On this festive occasion let us also not forget the poor and the needy.”
Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, PPP chairman also spoke thoughtfully about the martyrs of APS Peshawar. “On this Eid day, our musings go out to the martyrs of APS Peshawar who were mercilessly gunned down by radicals on December 16, and to the survivors and to their families.”
He added, “We salute these youthful martyrs. They are our national heroes and heroines. Their valor and incomparable penance united the country more than ever in the battle against militancy. We owe it to their memory to take the battle to the entryway of the foe and annihilate them from our middle.”
Imran Khan
Meanwhile, Imran Khan Chairman of PTI along with his spouse Reham Khan were with the IDP’s during this religious occasion.
Siraj ul Haq
Siraj-ul Haq, chief of Jamat-e-Islami urged the wealthy people to endorse kindness and discriminated extravagance so as to achieve a balance in the society.
Other noted personalities like Gen. Pervaiz Musharraf (Former Pakistani president) and Chairman Senate Raza Rabbani were here in Karachi for spending their Eid. Moreover, Chaudhry Brothers and Maulana Fazlur- Rehman spent Eid in Gujrat, while Asfandyar Wali’s Eid was spent in Mardan.
It was absolutely motivating to hear our politicians speak about the oneness of Society. Some urged to be tied together while others stressed on empathizing with the fellow Pakistanis.